2023年下半年,一团队成功完成了其试点项目:在位于德国北海的Deutsche Bucht海上风电场,将最先进的无人水面舰艇 (USV) 和自主水下载具 (AUV) 应用于海洋勘测和水下检测作业。
该项目旨在验证用于多波束测量的Autonomous Surveyor(USV)和用于海底检测的A.IKANBILIS Hovering AUV(HAUV)的性能,并进一步优化其操作工作流程。例如,对于为了运维而驻扎在风电场的服务作业船(SOV)来说,它们可以帮助完成所需的冲洗工作和海洋生物调查工作。HAUV利用了最先进的人工智能控制器,旨在简化和降低水下检查的风险和成本,实现工作流程的完全自主化,通过预先规划、水面操作和海底操作,在没有人为干预的情况下,利用地理参考水文数据和闭路电视产出具有可操性的报告。
"我们的目标是利用海上风电站运维框架内已有的积累,提高海洋数据的可用性,并显著降低获取数据的成本,"团队成员介绍到,"USV 和 HAUV 均表现出色,能在与传统工具(包括配备船员的勘测船和工作级ROV)几乎一致的时间内取得可操作的数据,且相较传统工具的管理和运营成本都更高。"
预计到2024年第一季度,USV/HAUV 联合一站式解决方案将完全投入商业化应用。
Teams from wind farm owner Northland Power and Subsea Europe Services have successfully concluded a pilot project to apply state-of-the-art uncrewed surface vessels (USV) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) to marine survey and underwater inspection operations at the Deutsche Bucht Offshore Wind Farm, located in the German North Sea.
The project is intended to verify performance and further develop the operational workflows of Subsea Europe Services’ Autonomous Surveyor USV for multi-beam surveying and A.IKANBILIS Hovering AUV (HAUV) for subsea inspections, such as scour and marine growth surveys, when deployed from a service operations vessel (SOV) mother ship already resident for O&M at the wind farm.Harnessing a state-of-the-art AI controller, our A.IKANBILIS Hovering AUV is designed to simplify and reduce the risk and cost of underwater inspections using a fully autonomous workflow, through planning, surface, and subsea operations to producing actionable reports with geo-referenced hydrographic data and CCTV, without human intervention.A.IKANBILIS excels operationally in high currents and low visibility, with custom propulsion, electronics, and sensor fusion techniques unlocking new ways of conducting inspections and reporting that save both time and money.
The so-called “mother ship concept” was proven successful throughout the pilot. With seamless integration of the various teams and equipment working aboard the Albert Betz SOV, the result was a wider weather window for marine survey and underwater inspection operations, with launch and recovery up to Sea State 3 and data acquisition according to the specified requirements.
“Our goal is to utilize assets that are already in place within the offshore wind farm O&M framework in order to improve the availability of marine data and significantly reduce the cost of acquiring it,” says Soren Themann, CEO, Subsea Europe Services GmbH. “Both Autonomous Surveyor and A.IKANBILIS performed well, acquiring actionable data within similar time frames as conventional vehicles including crewed survey vessels and work class ROVs, both of which are more costly to manage and operate.”
Full commercial readiness of a combined turnkey USV/HAUV solution for major projects and permanent mother ship deployment is expected by the first quarter of 2024.