

中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸工程2月14日报道,欧盟委员会(European Commission)批准了20.8亿欧元的一揽子计划,以支持在布列塔尼南部海岸建造一座海上浮动风电场的计划。



欧盟委员会执行副主席Margrethe Vestager在一份声明中表示,今天采取的措施使法国能够加强其海上可再生能源生产能力,同时限制单一市场竞争可能出现的扭曲。这将有助于实现欧盟海上可再生能源战略和欧洲绿色协议的宏伟目标。






郝芬 译自 离岸工程


European Commission approves €2.08bn for floating offshore wind in FranceThe European Commission has approved a €2.08bn package to support plans for an offshore floating wind farm off the coast of south Brittany.

The European Commission on Monday announced in a press release its approval of a €2.08bn ($2.24bn) package to support floating offshore wind electricity production in France.

The measure, granted under EU state aid rules, will help the French government meet its renewable energy and environmental targets, as well as objectives relating to the EU’s energy transition strategies, the Commission said.

Executive Vice-President of the Commission Margrethe Vestager said in a statement: “The measure adopted today enables France to step up its renewable offshore production capacities, while limiting possible distortions of competition in the single market. It will contribute to achieving the ambitions of the EU Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy and the European Green Deal.”

The package will run for 20 years and will contribute to the construction and operation of a floating offshore wind farm off the coast of south Brittany. The wind farm has a planned capacity of 230–270MW and will generate 1TWh per year for 35 years.

The Commission said the recipient of the funding will be “selected via a transparent and non-discriminatory bidding process”. The winner of the funds will be announced in the second quarter of 2023.

The measure will be paid via a monthly variable premium under a two-way contract for difference (CfD) scheme. The premium will be calculated by comparing a reference price set by the tender offer of the winning bidder with the market price for electricity.

This comes shortly after warnings to the Commission from EU member states and lobbying groups about how mandatory use of CfDs in the electricity market could undermine competition and divert focus away from renewables. However, France remains in favour of CfDs as a method of regulating energy prices.

Floating offshore technology is still in its relative infancy in France. Until now, only small pilot projects have been developed. The commercial-scale wind farm being planned will be the first of its kind in the country.

(责任编辑:黄振 审核:蒋文娟 )

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