
PVSEC-29 | “追剧”!第六分会场日程概览

  分会场主席 杨德仁
  分会场主席 万跃鹏
  保利协鑫能源控股有限公司首席技术官。在此之前,他在LDK太阳能公司担任高级副总裁和首席技术官超过八年。回到中国之前,在GT太阳能公司担任研发经理。还曾在圣戈班诺斯伯勒研究中心(Saint-Gobain Northboro research Center)担任副研究员,并在纽约州立大学石溪分校(SUNY Stony Brook)担任博士后。
  分会场主席 Noritaka Usami
  Noritaka Usami is Professor of Graduate School of Engineering at Nagoya University. He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees fromthe University of Tokyo in 1991 and 1993, respectively. From July 1994 toJanuary 2000, he worked as a research associate at Research Center for AdvancedScience and Technology, The University of Tokyo. After getting his phD inJanurary 1998, he spent 10 months at Institüt für Angewandte Photophysik,Technische Universit?t Dresden as a visiting researcher. From February 2000 toMarch 2013, he worked as an associate professor at Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University. Since 2013, he has been with Nagoya University.His research interest covers crystal growth and characterizations of Si-basedmaterials for photovoltaic and electronic applications, and development of anew methodology for novel materials by fusion of experiments, computation, anddata science. He has received various awards, including the best paper award atPVSEC (2009), the best poster award at IEEE PVSC (2012), JSPS Innovative PVAward (2017), and so on. He has authored over 380 publications in international journals with over 6,000 citations (h-index 42).
  分会场主席 Christian Reimann
  Christian Reimann studied Mineralogy at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mayence and University Cologne in Germany. Since 2005 hehas been a research scientist at Fraunhofer IISB and received his Ph.D. from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2010. In 2010 he became manager of the silicon group and in 2016 Deputy Head for the Materials Department at Fraunhofer IISB in Erlangen/Germany.
  第一时段(session 1):November 4th 13:30~16:00
  13:30-13:50 Koichi Kakimoto, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
  报告主题: Crystal growth of CZ-Si for high efficiency cells: Learn lessons from the past
  13:50-14:10 Xuegong Yu, Zhejiang University Professor
  报告主题: Defect engineering of cast silicon crystal

  Kakimoto教授1979年毕业于埼玉大学电子工程系,1982年完成东京大学电子工程系硕士课程,1985年取得东京大学电子工程系工学博士。1995年担任东北大学客座教授。1996年任九州大学副教授。2001年任九州大学教授。2008年任九州大学应用力学研究所所长。2010年日本晶体生长协会副会长。1988年获日本晶体生长协会最佳论文奖,2004年获日本晶体生长协会发明奖,2019年获得Award of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Research Category。2005年担任国际晶体学联合会晶体生长与表征委员会委员,2016年担任国际晶体生长组织主席。

  14:10-14:25 Christian Reimann, Fraunhofer IISB
  报告主题: Production of high performance multi-crystalline silicon ingots for PV application by using contamination-free SixNy seed particles
  14:25-14:40 Zhiqiang Zhang, Zhejiang University
  报告主题: Influence of temperature gradient at solid/liquid interface on the defect propagation in high-performance Mc-Si ingot growth
  14:40-14:55 Kazuki Mitamura, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
  报告主题: Quantitative evaluation of electrical characteristics of inclined grain boundaries in multicrystalline silicon by photoluminescence imaging and finite element simulation
  14:55-15:10 Xin Liu, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
  报告主题: Transient global modeling of oxygen and carbon segregations during the pulling process of Czochralski silicon crystal growth
  15:10-15:25 Xuefeng Han, Kyushu University
  报告主题: Numerical Analysis on Asymmetric Phenomenon in the 200 mm (8 inch) Floating Zone Silicon
  15:25-15:40 Satoshi Nakano, Kyushu University
  报告主题: Numerical analysis of the effect of seed crystal on dislocation density in Si crystal for solar cells
  15:40-15:55 Chen Li, Jiangsu University
  报告主题: Numerical Analysis and Optimization of Gas Flow and Impurity Control in Directional Solidification Multi-crystalline Silicon
  第二时段(session 2):November 5th 13:30~16:00
  13:30-13:50 John Murphy, University of Warwick Professor of Electronic Materials
  报告主题: Ultra-high bulk carrier lifetime measurement in crystalline silicon

  Student in Physics at the University of Oxford, UK, graduating in 2003. Awarded a DPhil in Materials Science from Oxford in 2006 working on oxygen and nitrogen in silicon under the supervision of Prof. Peter Wilshaw.Awarded a five-year Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship at Oxford from 2008-2013 to work on the materials science of silicon for PV applications. Took up a faculty position at the University of Warwick, UK. in 2013, and promoted to Professor of Electronic Materials in 2018.
  13:50-14:05 Huali Zhang, GCL Jiangsu Silicon Materials
  报告主题: The effect of DB on minority carrier lifetime improvement of seed assisted cast silicon ingot
  14:05-14:20 Yuan Shuai, Zhejiang University
  报告主题: Defect filtering effect in cast mono-like silicon
  14:20-14:35 Xiaodong Zhu, Zhejiang University
  报告主题: The effect of temperature on iron detection in crystalline silicon by carrier lifetime measurements
  14:35-14:50 Rabin Basnet
  报告主题: onset of ring defects in n-type Czochralski silicon
  14:50-15:05 Zhenzhong Zhang, Rietech new energy science & technology
  报告主题: Towards 22.1% conversion efficiency using new generation low dislocation cast mono wafer
  15:05-15:20 Chen Li, Jiangsu University
  报告主题: Design and Numerical Optimization on Spray-type Gas Guidance System in Multi-crystalline Silicon Furnace
  15:20-15:35 Noboru Yamada, Nagaoka University of Technology
  报告主题: Characterization of Bendable Crystalline Si Solar Cells Made by Ultra-thin Wafer Slicing
  15:35-15:50 Stefan Janz, Fraunhofer ISE
  报告主题: Alternative mono crystalline Si Wafers for a sustainable PV market growth
  15:50-16:05 Rong Deng, University of New South Wales
  报告主题: Demonstration of a potential closed-loop approach to recycle end-of-life silicon photovoltaic modules

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