
PVSEC-29 | “追剧”!第七分会场日程概览

  PVSEC-29距离开幕倒计时26天,今天小编为大家奉上第七分会场“ 晶体硅太阳能电池和叠层太阳电池 ”的详细安排。
  分会场主席 宋登元
  博士毕业于澳大利亚新南威尔士大学光伏工程专业、师从马丁格林教授,教授级高工、河北大学博士生导师,国家“863”科技计划项目首席专家。现任英利集团首席科学家,光伏材料与技术国家重点实验室主任、国家能源光伏技术重点实验室主任,国家标准创新基地(光伏)主任,SEMI 中国光伏标准委员会核心委员,中国可再生能源学会理事、光伏专业委员会副主任,科技部“十二五”和“十三五”国家 863 和科技重点专项可再生能源与氢能专家组专家。
  分会场主席 李振国
  隆基股份创始人&总裁。1990年自兰州大学物理系半导体专业毕业起从事单晶硅棒及硅片的生产研究工作,是横向磁场单晶领域知名专家,其研发的多晶碳头料的除碳工艺在业界被广泛应用。2009年,荣获第二届“西安市优秀中国特色社会主义事业建设者”荣誉称号。2010年,荣获"2009年度西安市有突出贡献专家"。2018年12月,李振国先生在第24届联合国气候大会发布了“Solar for Solar-负碳地球”的可持续发展理念,通过以“光伏发电制造光伏产品”,不断拓展光伏发电的应用场景,将光伏发电应用于海水淡化,进而进行荒漠灌溉,将荒漠变成绿洲,通过植物的光合作用固化大气中的二氧化碳,帮助人类最终实现负碳发展。

  分会场主席 Makoto Konagai
  Makoto KonAGAI received the B.E.,M.E and D.E degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1972, 1974 and 1977,respectively. Since 1977, he has been with Tokyo Institute of Technology, wherehe has been engaged in the development of solar cell materials and devices. Hehas been working for Tokyo City University since April 2015. He has authoredover 400 publications in international journals and over 500 internationalpresentations. He organized PVSEC-9 (Miyazaki, 1996) and WCPEC-6(Kyoto, 2014).He has received the PVSEC Award (1999), Medal with Purple Ribbon (2013) andHamakawa Award(2014). At present he is Chairperson of the PVSEC International Advisory Committee.

  分会场主席 MartinA. Green
  A world leader and pioneer in solarphotovoltaic science and engineering. Graduated from University of Queenslandand completed PhD at McMaster University in Canada, where he specialised insolar energy. Work in the University of New South Wales since 1974, He isrenowned for developing and commercialising silicon solar cell technologies,His group’s holding the record for silicon solar cell efficiency for 30 of thelast 34 years, and has often been referred to as the ‘father ofphotovoltaics’ . Major international awards include the1999 Australia Prize, the 2002 Right Livelihood Award, also known as theAlternative Nobel Prize, the 2007 SolarWorld Einstein Award and the 2016 IanWark Medal from the Australian Academy of Science.
  第一时段(session 1):November 6th 8:30~10:00
  主持人:Qi Wang
  8:30-8:50 Qi. Wang 浙江晶科太阳能 首席科学家
  报告主题: Crystallinesilicon n-type solar cells

  Dr. Qi Wang is the Chief Scientist at Zhejiang Jinko Solar. He also worked at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) served as a Principal Scientist and Si Group Manager at National Center for Photovoltaic. He received his B.S. in physics from Peking University, China; and Ph.D. in solid state physics from Syracuse University.
  8:50-9:05 S. Liang, K. C. Fong, Australian National University,Australia
  报告主题: FabricationofBifacial Si solar cell with very high bifacial factor
  9:05-9:20 Y. S. Xu, Japan Advanced Insistute ofScience and Technology,
  报告主题: Influence of lightillu mination on the potential-induced degradation of n-typerear-emitter crystalline Siphotovoltaic modules
  9:20-9:35 W. S. Liang, K. C. Fong,Australian National University,
  报告主题: Fabrication and Comparison ofn-type and p-type Bifacialto Mono-facial Si Solar Cells
  9:35-9:50 J. K. Ma HebeiUniversity,China/SPIC Xi’an solar power Co. Ltd, China
  报告主题: Investigationof UVID on n-typesolar cell
  9:50-10:05 Kopecek,International Solar Energy Research Center, Germany
  报告主题: ZEBRA: standardly diffused andscreen printed bifacialIBC cell technology towards 700mV and 24% in productionat PERC costs
  第二时段(session 2):November 6th 10:30~12:00
  主持人:Makoto Konagai,
  10:30-10:50 A. Aberle Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore(SERIS),CEO
  报告主题: Progress With Crystalline SiliconSolar Cells And Modules At SERIS

  Prof Armin ABERLE serves as CEO of the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). His research focus is on photovoltaic materials, devices and modules. He has (co)authored more than 450 papers and has been supervising more than 70 PhD students. He is an Editorial Board member of several scientific journals. In the 1990s he established and led the Silicon Photovoltaics Department at the Institute for Solar Energy Research (ISFH) in Hamelin, Germany. He then worked for 10 years in Sydney, Australia as a solar energy professor at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). In 2008 he joined NUS to establish SERIS, as the Deputy CEO and Director of the Silicon PV Department. Since 2012 he serves as SERIS CEO. He is presently Director of the institute’s Silicon Materials & Cells Cluster and Acting Director of the Novel PV Concepts Cluster.
  10:50-11:05 J. B. Fan,隆基绿能科技股份有限公司
  报告主题: The Roadmap to>24% of PERC
  11:05-11:20 T.Dullweber, C. Kruse, Institute for Solar EnergyResearch Hamelin (ISFH), Germany
  报告主题: PERC+POLO solar cells minimizingcarrier recombination atthe Ag front contact with simulatedefficiencypotential up to 23.8%
  11:20-11:35 G. F. Li, Jinneng Clean Energy Limited Company, China
  报告主题: Degaradation Behavior of the PERCSolar Cellsafter IEC 61215 Damp Heat Test in Dark
  11:35-11:50 H. T. Zhu,隆基绿能科技股份有限公司
  报告主题: LeTID Phenomenon in MonocrystallinePERC
  11:50-12:05S. Tepner,Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE,Germany
  报告主题: Advances in Screen Printed metallizationfor Si-SolarCells -Towards Ultra-Fine Line Contact FingersBelow 20?m
  第三时段(session 3):November 7th 8:30~10:00
  8:30-8:50 Arthur W. Weeber, ECN part of TNO / TU Delft Program Manager PV Technology
  报告主题: Silicon-Perovskite hybrid tandem devices

  After receiving his PhD from the University of Amsterdam in 1988 Arthur Weeber start working at ECN. Since 1992 he is working in the field of PV Technology and he has coordinated large national and international projects. In 2018 ECN and TNO joined forces. In the new ECN part of TNO organization Arthur is program manager PV technology, which covers both crystalline silicon and thin-film PV. Since 2015 he combines his work at ECN part of TNO with a professorship at Delft University of Technology.
  8:50-9:10 Makoto Konagai, Advanced ResearchLaboratories, Tokyo
  报告主题:Recent Progress of Rib Si SolarCellTechnology and Its Application to InGaP/Si Spectrum Splitting SolarCell

  Makoto KonAGAI received the B.E., M.E and D.E degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1972, 1974 and 1977, respectively. Since 1977, he has been with Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he has been engaged in the development of solar cell materials and devices. He has been working for Tokyo City University since April 2015. He has authored over 400 publications in international journals and over 500 international presentations. He organized PVSEC-9 (Miyazaki, 1996) and WCPEC-6(Kyoto, 2014). He has received the PVSEC Award (1999), Medal with Purple Ribbon (2013) and Hamakawa Award(2014). At present he is Chairperson of the PVSEC International Advisory Committee.
  9:10-9:25 J. H. Zheng, C .F. J. Lau, 厦门大学
  报告主题: Largearea efficient monolithic perovskite/homo-junction-silicon tandem solarcell
  9:25-9:40 K. C. Fong,Australian NationalUniversity, Australia
  报告主题: Detailed Analysis of 25% Silicon IBC, and IBC-Tandem Solar Cells
  9:40-9:55 H.Mizuno, Fukushima RenewableEnergy Institute (AIST), Japan
  报告主题: Fabrication ofIII-V/Si TandemSolar Cells by the Copper Nanoparticle Array-Mediated Smart Stack Approach
  9:55-10:10 M. Huang, National University ofSingapore, Singapore
  报告主题: Application of Laser-Assisted Dielectric Patterning in the Development of Small-size Silicon Cells forTandem Applications
  第四时段(session 4):November 7th 10:30~12:00
  主持人:Arthur W. Weeber,
  10:30-10:50 B. Hoex,University of New South Wales, Australia
  报告主题: Nanoscalethin films for contactand surface passivation of silicon solar cells

  Bram Hoex is an Associate Professor and Scientia Fellow at UNSW Sydney and Deputy Head at UNSW’s School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering. His research focusses on the application of nanoscale thin films in a wide range of photovoltaic devices. He published over 150 scientific papers which have been cited over 5,000 times. His work has received various international recognitions including the 2008 SolarWorld Junior Einstein the 2016 IEEE PVSC Young Professional awards, and he was listed in the “Solar 40 under 40 list” globally by Renewable Energy World in 2018.
  10:50-11:05 K. Tool, ECN. TNO- Solar Energy,Netherlands
  报告主题: In-situ doped polySipassivating contacts resulting inover 22% PERPoly cells
  11:05-11:20 X. B. Yang, King Abdullah Universityof Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
  报告主题: metalNitrideElectron-Selective Contacts for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
  11:20-11:35 M. R. Lewis,University of Ottawa,Canada
  报告主题: EffectofEncapsulant on Bifacial Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cell Operation forHighLatitudes
  11:35-11:50 Y.R. Zhou,中国科学院大学
  报告主题: Lithography-freeand Dopant-freeBack-contact Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells
  11:50-12:05 K. P. Ge, 河北大学
  报告主题: A new high-quality surfaces passivation technology for Sisolar cells without use of vacuum equipment and thermal budget
  第五时段(session 5):November 7th 13:30~16:00
  主持人:Meng Tao
  13:30-13:50 M. Tao,Arizona State University,USA
  报告主题: Sustainability of Today’s Si PV Technology

  Professor Meng Tao’s research covers a wide range of topics in sustainable solar photovoltaics from materials and devices to systems and applications including electrorefining for solar-grade silicon, substitution of silver electrode with aluminum, profitable recycling of silicon modules, chemical storage of solar electricity, and new photovoltaic systems for industrial electrolysis, electric vehicle charging and chemical storage. He played a critical role in the establishment of the U.S. Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium under SEMATECH in Albany, New York. He has been the lead organizer for the Electrochemical Society symposium series on Photovoltaics for the 21st Century for over a decade. He was awarded the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Alternative Energy Technology and was invited to the 2017 Nobel Award Ceremony in Stockholm.
  13:50-14:10 M. Dhamrin, Toyo Aluminium K. K.Shiga, Japan
  报告主题: Ag-FREE Paste Solutions For High EfficiencySilicon Solar Cells

  Graduated from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and worked at the same university before joining Toyo Aluminium in the beginning of 2011. Now, senior specialist/executive, leading the solar R&D Lab inside Toyo Aluminium providing high efficiency metallization solutions for the industry. Holder of over 15 patents in metallization processes and silicon crystal growth and active in solar industry innovation.
  14:10-14:30 Wenzhong Shen 上海交通大学 教授
  报告主题: Quasi-omnidirectional Silicon SolarCells

  Dr. Wenzhong Shen has made significant achievements in the research of silicon solar cells during the past 5 years, such as p-type diamond-wire-sawn poly-Si and Si passivated emitter and rear cells, and n-type bifacial Si solar cells, back-junction back-contact Si solar cells, Si heterojunction solar cells, and ultrathin Si solar cells. These works have been published in top scientific journals, such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science, Nano Energy, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research & Applications, and Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. Most of the achievements have further been employed in the mass production. Prof. Shen has also authored two books with the titles of “Physics and devices of silicon heterojunction solar cells” and “Solar photovoltaic technology and application”.
  14:30-14:45 A.To, B. Kl?ter, Hanwha Q CELLS GmbH,Germany
  报告主题: Current Status and Development of MassProduction of Multicryst a lline Q.ANTUM p-Cz Solar Cells
  14:45-15:00 Y. Cho,Tohoku University, Japan
  报告主题: Carrier Distribution Investigation of Potential-Induced Degradation in Monocryst a lline Silicon Solar CellUsing Scanning Nonlinear Dielectric Microscopy
  15:00-15:15 L. Tsuji,Toyo Aluminium K.K, Japan
  报告主题: Investigation of Si Impact with Fine LineAlPrinting on Narrow Point Contact Opening
  15:15-15:30 B. Kl?ter, Hanwha Q CELLS GmbH,Germany
  报告主题:Machine learning for Q.ANTUM production optimization
  15:30-15:45 H. Zhang, LiJiangsu LeadmicroNano-Equipment Technology Ltd, China
  报告主题: High performance & flexible passivation stacks realized by industrial scale batch-type plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition/chemical vapor deposition (PEALD/CVD) platform for high
  15:45-16:00 T. T. Du, 隆基绿能科技股份有限公司
  报告主题:Researchon the Effect of Large Diameter SingleCrystal on Crystal Quality

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